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EKS Distro kOps Cluster

Follow these instructions to create an EKS-D Kubernetes cluster using kOps. Refer to the kops documentation for full instructions. Most of these commands require that you have KOPS_STATE_STORE and KOPS_CLUSTER_NAME set and exported.

kOps Cluster Create

1. Clone the eks-distro Repository

The easiest way to access our sample kOps scripts would be to clone the repository and cd to the kops directory:

git clone
cd eks-distro/development/kops 

2. Create the Cluster Configuration

You will need to set and export KOPS_STATE_STORE to the s3 bucket to use for your kOps state and KOPS_CLUSTER_NAME to a valid subdomain controlled by Route53. You can optionally set the environment variables below to use pre-created IAM instance profile roles for your cluster instead of having kOps create them.

export CONTROL_PLANE_INSTANCE_PROFILE=arn:aws:iam::111122223333:instance-profile/kops-control-plane-role
export NODE_INSTANCE_PROFILE=arn:aws:iam::111122223333:instance-profile/kops-node-role

If your kOps state store does not exist, this script will create it. It will also generate the cluster configuration:

export KOPS_STATE_STORE=s3://kops-state-store

3. Create the Cluster

Once the cluster configuration has been created successfully, create the EKS-D cluster:


4. Wait for the Cluster

It may take a while for the cluster. You can use the script to wait for the cluster to be ready. Once the cluster is ready, this script will add the AWS IAM authenticator.


When the script completes, your cluster is ready to use.

Verify Your Cluster is Running EKS-D

You can verify the pods in your cluster are using the EKS Distro images by running the following command:

kubectl get po --all-namespaces -o json | jq -r '.items[].spec.containers[].image' | sort -u

kOps Cluster Delete

To tear down the cluster, run:
