EKS Distro deployment using Kubeinit on top of Libvirt¶
Follow these instructions to create an EKS-D Kubernetes cluster using Kubeinit.
KubeInit is an Ansible collection to ease the deployment of multiple upstream Kubernetes distributions. The following sections will describe a 3 controllers, 1 compute deployment on a Libvirt host.
Libvirt deployments are based in multiple guests VMs deployed on a common hypervisor host. There are multiple use cases that can fit this scenario, such as continuous integration deployments or development environments.
Here is a list of the components that are currently deployed:
- Guests OS: CentOS 8 (8.2.2004)
- Kubernetes distribution: EKS-D
- Infrastructure provider: Libvirt
- A service machine with the following services:
- HAProxy: 1.8.23 2019/11/25
- Apache: 2.4.37
- NFS (nfs-utils): 2.3.3
- DNS (bind9): 9.11.13
- Disconnected docker registry: v2
- Skopeo: 0.1.40
- Control plane services:
- Kubelet 1.18.4
- CRI-O: 1.18.4
- Podman: 1.6.4
- Controller nodes: 3
- Worker nodes: 1
The deployment procedure is the same as it is for the other Kubernetes distributions that can be deployed with KubeInit.
Please follow the usage documentation to understand the system's requirements and the required host-supported Linux distributions.
# Make sure you can connect to your hypervisor (called nyctea)
# with passwordless access. (defaulted in the Ansible inventory)
# Choose the distro
# Run the deployment command
git clone https://github.com/kubeinit/kubeinit.git
cd kubeinit
ansible-playbook \
--user root \
-v -i ./hosts/$distro/inventory \
--become \
--become-user root \
This will deploy by default a 3 controllers 1 compute cluster in a single hypervisor.
The deployment time was fairly quick (around 15 minutes):
" description: snapshot-validation-webhook container image",
" image:",
" uri: public.ecr.aws/eks-distro/kubernetes-csi/external-snapshotter/snapshot-validation-webhook:v3.0.2-eks-1-18-1",
" name: snapshot-validation-webhook-image",
" os: linux",
" type: Image",
" gitTag: v3.0.2",
" name: external-snapshotter",
" date: \"2020-12-01T00:05:35Z\""
META: ran handlers
META: ran handlers
PLAY RECAP *****************************************************************************************************************
hypervisor-01 : ok=188 changed=93 unreachable=0 failed=0 skipped=43 rescued=0 ignored=4
real 17m12.889s
user 1m24.846s
sys 0m24.366s
Now the deployment can be verified by executing a few checks.
[root@eks-service-01 ~]: curl --user registryusername:registrypassword \
It's possible now to check some of the deployed resources.
[root@eks-service-01 ~]: kubectl describe pods etcd-eks-master-01.kubeinit.local -n kube-system
Name: etcd-eks-master-01.kubeinit.local
Namespace: kube-system
Priority: 2000000000
Priority Class Name: system-cluster-critical
Node: eks-master-01.kubeinit.local/
Start Time: Sun, 06 Dec 2020 19:51:25 +0000
Labels: component=etcd
Annotations: kubeadm.kubernetes.io/etcd.advertise-client-urls:
kubernetes.io/config.hash: 3be258678a84985dbdb9ae7cb90c6a97
kubernetes.io/config.mirror: 3be258678a84985dbdb9ae7cb90c6a97
kubernetes.io/config.seen: 2020-12-06T19:51:18.652592779Z
kubernetes.io/config.source: file
Status: Running
Controlled By: Node/eks-master-01.kubeinit.local
Container ID: cri-o://7a52bd0b80feb8c861c502add4c252e83c7e4a1f904a376108e3f6f787fd342c
Image: eks-service-01.clustername0.kubeinit.local:5000/etcd:v3.4.14-eks-1-18-1
As long as other container images are published for EKS-D, they will be added to the deployment automation from KubeInit.